Me and My Hittas Read online

  Me & My Hittas

  ByTranay Adams

  Me & My Hittas

  Copyright © 2016 Tranay Adams. All rights reserved.

  Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by FBI and is punishable by up to five (5) years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  All names, characters, and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental, and beyond the intent of the author and publisher.

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  The Realest Killaz/ Tranay Adams-1st ed. © 2016 Kindle Formatting: MADE Write

  Editor: Ghost

  Cover Artist: Sunny Giovanni

  Publisher: Tranay Adams


  He sat on the hood of his silver Monte Carlo SS taking pulls from a blunt laced with marijuana and crack cocaine. His head was hidden beneath his blue hood, which he wore under a black leather coat. His eyes were bloodshot and glassy, filled with hurt and animosity. His cheeks were wet and slick from crying. Big teardrops fell from his eyes hitting the asphalt and the toe of his Air Max sneaker. He wiped his face with the sleeve of his leather coat. He continued to take puffs of his blunt until half of it was gone. He then grabbed the bottle of Jack Daniel’s and cracked it open. He took the bottle to the dome, guzzling the dark liquor thirstily and glancing at the picture of his younger brother, Dizzy. More tears fell, hitting the picture and rolling off of it. He continues to drink; in between doing so he talked with his brother. Although he had left this life for the next, he heard Dizzy in his ear.

  “Niggaz done me foul, straight up dirty,” He heard Dizzy loud and clear, “You seen me at the morgue? Shit split all open; a nigga gone have to have a closed casket funeral.

  “Who did it, bro? Tell me and I’ma leave them pussies wet. That’s on everything.” Reboc swore, taking a pull from the blunt and then guzzling the Jack. “The Slobs,” Dizzy spoke in his ear.

  “Who? “Nigga, all of’em, they supposed to be at that Demos game.” Reboc looked to Jefferson’s High School’s football field where people were standing out waiting for the football players to emerge. “Avenge me, bro, do what I can’t do for myself!”

  “Don’t even trip, I got chu; these niggaz ‘bout to feel some hot shit.” He guzzled more of the Jack and wiped his mouth with the back of his fist. He reached into the passenger side window and sat the bottle down in the passenger seat. He then continued with the consumption of the laced blunt.

  “Dead all of them niggaz, Cuz, all of ‘em.” Dizzy urged him. “Don’t worry about noth ing, bro bro, big bruh got chu…Always.” Reboc replied, holding the smoke in his lungs. He looked up and saw a horde of people coming off of the football field. He spotted more than a handful of them in red clothing. For him they were as good as Bloods; the same Bloods that aired out his kid brother. This angered Reboc and he saw through a haze of red. His nostrils flared and he clenched his teeth so tight that you could see the skeletal bone structure of his jaws.

  Reboc dropped his blunt on the ground and mashed it out under the heel of his Air Max. He walked around to the trunk of his Monte Carlo and popped it open. He reached inside and when he withdrew his hand back he was gripping an Ingram. Next, he checked the magazine to make sure that it was loaded. He smacked it back into its slot and cocked the hammer on it. After slamming the trunk closed, Reboc stepped upon the curb to handle his business.

  *** The locker room was in an uproar. The Demos had just won the championship game. The players were dancing around and acting a fool. Blips! Sounded off throughout the crowded room as the corks of champagne were being popped; none of the players were old enough to drink but the coach had made them all promise to keep it as their little secret.

  “Alright, alright, quiet down!” Coach Roosevelt held up the football and the locker room fell to silence. He was a copper complexioned gent with salt and pepper hair that he wore in a close fade. He was dressed in a worn baseball cap and a blue Polo shirt. A whistle hung from his neck down over his chest. His eyes scanned the locker room as he held the pig skin in the air while his free arm lay draped over the quarter back’s shoulders. “Now you guys played one hell of a game out there, you crushed your opponents like they were roaches. You went out there and dominated…You conquered…You whipped those guys asses and proved that you were the better team. You’re warriors, gladiators, each and every one of you,” he pointed the football around at the players surrounding him. “Now you all did your thing out there tonight, but there was one of you out there that stood out just that much more. His proficiency and execution out there was stunning, so it’s only right that I present him with the winning game ball…” he looked to the brown skinned kid that was under his wing and smiled, as he chewed gum. “Here you go, son,” he passed him the football and the kid beamed brightly. “Everyone,let’s give a round of applause for Tramel.” The coach clapped along with the players. Two of the offensive linemen lifted Tramel over their heads and paraded him around the locker room with everyone hooting and hollering. A smile stretched acrossthe M.V.P’s face.

  *** “Ma, its taking Mel forever and a day to come out here,” Killa Dre spoke of his big brother. His thin dread locks were spilling from underneath an oversized Pirates snapback, lying over his shoulders and back. He had smooth brown skin and dark eyes. His baby face and slight mustache lead you to believe that he was younger than his seventeen years.

  If Tramel was an angel then, Killa Dre was definitely a devil. The boy treaded down the path of his father before him. Cutty Johnson was a street veteran that earned his keep extorting hustlers and working as a hired gun. His exploitation of the streets came back to haunt him when he put the muscle on the wrong nigga’z brother and got his top blown the fuck off. After his death his youngest son dove headfirst into the street life, sticking his hands into some of everything illegal to earn a dollar. When drama came his way he murdered it on the spot, which garnered the young hitter the alias, Killa Dre. The boy’s mother did all she could to stop him from becoming just another statistic, but she was too late, he was too far gone. The streets had him and she wasn’t letting go, so the little nigga’z mother poured all of her attention into her oldest son, encouraging him to follow his dreams of playing pro football in the N.F.L.

  “Give ‘em a second, baby, I’m sure he’ll be out in a minute.” Tramel and Killa Dre’s mother said. She and her youngest stood amongst the crowd waiting for the players to exit the locker room. She trembled slightly and rubbed her arms trying to keep warm.

  “Ma, you want my jacket?” Killa Dre asked, seeing his mother struggling to keep warm. “Nah, I don’t want chu to catch a cold, I’ll be alright.” She responded, rubbing her arms harder and faster to keep warm.

  “Ma please, I’ma grown man, I can brave this weather.” He removed his leather jacket and draped it over her shoulders. He then pulled her under his arm and smiled. Rebecca looked up at her youngest and smiled, too. Her and her boys were a close knit family.

  “Thank you, son.”

  “You’re welcome, ma.” The doors of the locker room opened and the players expelled into the crisp, cold air. The air felt cooler than usual against the players’ skin since they’d taken showers before they came outside. Tramel and his team mates moved to greet their loved ones. Tramel was wearing a red Atlanta Hawks snapback cocked to the
right with a matching jersey. A thin gold necklace and cross lay upon his chest.

  “Hey, momma,” Tramel kissed his mother on the cheek and embraced her lovingly.

  “That was a good game you and your team played, y’all tore them boys up.” His mother stated proudly.

  “Thanks, ma,” Tramel grinned. He slapped hands with Killa Dre, “What’s up, baby boy?”

  “You did your thang out there tonight.”

  “We did our thang out there tonight; I ain’t nothing without my team.”

  “That’s right, son, stay humble, don’t never let any of this go to your head.” “I won’t, ma, I promise.” “Can you do me a favor?” she asked him. Tramel threw his head back ‘like what’s up?’ “Turn the volume down on that jersey, it’s too loud.”

  She narrowed her eyes into slits and held a hand above her brow, pretending to be blinded by the color of his jersey.

  “You’re a regular standup comic tonight.” He smirked.

  “What’s that?” Killa Dre pointed to the pig skin gripped in his big brother’s hand.

  “Coach Roosevelt blessed me with the winning game ball.”

  “Let me see it.” Tramel tossed Killa Dre the football.

  “Go long, Mel.” He gripped the football with both hands.

  “Hold my bag for me, ma.” Tramel gave his mother his Nike duffle bag and darted towards the street. “Tramel, Dre, y’all be careful.” She yelled out as Tramel darted into the street looking for his brother to launch the ball.

  Killa Dre threw up a Hail Mary. The football went high into sky and came down like a nuclear warhead. Tramel caught the football. He put his hand behind his head, stuck out his tongue, and did a funny dance in the middle of the street, moving his hips in a circular motion with the football outstretched.

  Killa Dre and their mother laughed.

  Killa Dre cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled out, “Throw it back, foolie!” “Alright,” Tramel yelled back. He took a stance and gripped the football, prepared to let it fly. He cocked his hand back and threw his arm forth, releasing the football.

  *** Through bloodshot and glassy eyes, Reboc watched the horde of people spill out of the school and head towards their vehicles. The men and women in red clothing stood out to him the most. His eyes locked onto a caramel skinned kid in a red Atlanta Hawks snapback and matching jersey. The kid had darted out into the street and spun around. He caught a football and took a stance to throw it back. At that moment Reboc heard his brother in his ear again “He’s one of them, bro, I remember his face! Kill’em!” Reboc’s face twisted into a murderous scowl. He became so angry that the haze of red returned before his sight. His brother’s voice enticed him to claim a body, a few of them. “Kill’em all!” his brother egged him on.

  Reboc brought his Ingram into play, lifting and pointing it at the kid in the Atlanta Hawks fit. He squeezed the trigger of his weapon and slugs spat mercilessly from the barrel, sending heat in the kid’s direction.



  The football exploded and hit the ground. A look of surprise took Tramel’s face and he mouthe d, “What the fuck”. He looked to the ground at the football wondering what happened to it. He looked to his right and bullets rushed him, slamming into his torso and chest. The searing pain the sizzling metal brought caused his face to contort with excruciation. His eyes narrowed into slits and he looked up trying to see who his shooter was. Before Tramel’s eyes could register the gunman, half of his face was blown off and his form was smacking down on the street.

  “Noooooooo,” Killa Dre and Tramel’s mother screamed, after witnessing her oldest son being mowed down by a hail of bullets. The wail of her voice snatched Reboc’s attention from Tramel’s body and he went to point his Ingram in her direction when a blur of a person shot by him. He swung his weapon around and sent a line of fire at the blur’s back, dropping him in the middle of the street.

  By this time the streets were in chaos and pandemonium with people running every which way, trying to avoid some hot shit. Reboc waved his Ingram around, dropping the bodies of the people that tried to run. The screams and cries of his victims made his dick hard. A satanic smile stretched across his face and he licked his lips, continuingto release his hell on earth. When Reboc’s Ingram clicked empty, he ejected its magazine and checked it. Seeing that the cartidge was spent, he reached into the pocket of his leather coat to retrieve another one. He smacked the fresh magazine into his weapon and cocked it. He went to finish his reign of terror when he heard the wail of police cars sirens zooming in his direction. He ignored the sirens and let off two more sprays. Having dropped two more bodies, he retreated for his vehicle.

  *** Killa Dre and his mother were hunched down behind a parked car. He’d ushered her there when the shots went off that claimed Tramel’s life.

  “We’ve got to see about your brother.” She told him as tears dripped from her eyes. Her heart was reaking havoc inside of her chest and she was damn near hyperventilating.

  “Okay. I’ll check it out, you stay here.” Killa Dre told his mother. She nodded her head. He looked over the trunk of the car through the back window and saw Reboc running in his direction.


  “What’s wrong?”

  “He’s coming!”

  “Oh,God.” There wasn’t any time for Killa Dre and his mother to run without drawing Reboc’s attention and possible gunfire. Realizing this, the young nigga pulled his mother behind him and prepared to use his body as a human shield. He’d die protecting the life of his mother if need be.

  Killa Dre frowned and clenched his teeth. His jaw twitched with tension as he prepared for what was to be his fate.

  In what seemed to appear as slow motion, Reboc ran passed Killa Dreand his mother’s hiding place. He pulled his hood from off his head and gave Killa Dre a side profile. Once the young nigga had gotten a good look at the side of Reboc’s face, it seemed as if time had sped back up again, like in the movie “300”. Once Killa Dre saw Reboc smash out, he and his mother rose to their feet. They surveyed their surroundings and found bloody bodies scattered throughout the street. Other survivors emerged from out of their hiding places and moved to check on their loved ones that were lying twisted in the street. Sobs and screams filled the air once the survivors came to the realization that their loved ones had been murdered.

  When Killa Drew and his mother saw Tramel lying in the street with red streams flowing from him, they took off running in his direction.

  *** As soon as Reboc bent the corner at the end of the block, he slowed his ride down to a moderate speed and sat his warm weapon down on the passenger seat. When Reboc pulled his hand back after laying his Ingram down on the passenger seat, he noticed that there were specks of blood on it. He pulled a blue bandana from the inside of his leather coat and wiped the specks of blood from his hand, stuffing it back inside of its hiding place. He then picked up his cell phone and scrolled through the contacts until he found the number that he was looking for. Seeing Nightmare he tapped the screen, placing the call and bringing the cell to his ear. He was high out of his mind and needed assistance disposing of his ride and finding a place to lay low for a while.

  *** Nightmare, Nike and Supacrip kicked it inside of his garage passing a smoldering blunt around and discussing hood shit.

  “That nigga Reboc fucked up behind his bro bro, Cuz.” Nike announced, “That nigga howling for real.” “True dat,” Supacrip cosigned. “He was in the middle of the street getting shit faced and letting that thang go in the air the other night. He told me and this nigga if he doesn’t find out who slept Dizzy,then he’s gone ride on all of our enemies until he feels better. The homie done lost it. We need to holla at him before he goes off the handle and does some kamikaze type shit.”

  “I figure the best way to shut him up is to either kill him or give him an enemy to ride on.” Nike said. “Well, we can’t kill the homie, that’s Miss Graves’ last living child.” Nightmare
took the blunt from Nike. “He wants a killa for his brotha? Then we’ll find him one.”

  “Yeah, but who?” Nike asked. “Whoever we choose it’s gotta be a real head busta.” Supacrip chimed in. “A fool that’s known for splitting niggaz’ wigs.”

  Nike and Nightmare nodded in agreement. “I’ll think of someone.” Nightmare took a pull from the blunt and expelled white smoke. Just then his cell phone rang. He dipped into his pocket and pulled it out. A picture of Reboc and his number was on the screen. He tapped the screen to answer it and placed the cell phoneto his ear. “What’s cracking, Cuz? Shit, pull into the alley behind the house.” He hung up and slipped the cell phone back into his pocket.

  “What’s happening, Cuz?” Supacrip asked.

  “What’s the deal?” Nike inquired.

  “Reboc done got himself into some shit. Come on, that nigga rolling up through the alley.”

  *** “Noooooo, oh, God, not my baby, not my child,” Killa Dreand Tramel’s mother wailed at the top of her lungs. Her individual braids hung loosely over her face and sprawled over her shoulders. Her chocolate cheeks were slicked wet with tears and green snot oozed from her nose. The Demos jersey she wore was identical to Tramel’s and was splotched with his blood. He lay at her side. She held his limp hand in one hand while she used the other to caress it. Half of Tramel’s face was blown off and a chunk of his head was missing. The pain and horror he met before his death was etched on face.

  Killa Dre was on his knees on the opposite side of his older brother. He stared at Tramel’s mutilated face as tears cascaded down his cheeks. The tears seemed to come nonstop but he tried to keep himself from breaking down like his mother. He knew that he’d have to be the stronger of the two. With his brother and father gone, he’d have to step up to the plate and be the man of the house now.

  A hand grasped Killa Dre ’s shoulder. He looked up and saw a police officer there. He knew that his time had been cut short with his brother and that it was time to say goodbye. Killa Dre gave the police officer a nod and he left him be. He then whispered something into Tramel’s ear and kissed him on the temple. He got to his feet and helped his mother to hers. She embraced him tightly, sobbing into his chest. Killa Dre rubbed her back soothingly and watched as a white sheet was draped over Tramel’s body. His blood quickly spotted the sheet red. At that moment Killa Dre knew that his life would never be the same. From that night forward he wouldn’t rest until vengeance was his.